stole the laptop for a bit but still had to upload photos to photobucket. don't feel like figuring out photoshop in 15 minutes to crop/compress the pics. like figuring out photoshop could happen in 15 minutes.
mich received the good citizenship award again! what a kid! he really is a good child. who can't keep his room clean and goes from A honor roll to not getting on any honor roll at all this time b/c of a 78 in science!!! in science no less!!! what the heck??? really, he got one bad grade. on some ridiculous 'flu symptoms' quiz that had information about vaccines, placebos, and what not. what 2nd grader needs to know that crap? really irritates me to no end:

oster, being all sun-shiney:

at our new mcdonald's. the decor in this one is pretty special. i read in the paper that the owners had it specially designed to fit our town. there is no other mcdonald's like this one....

5 paper addicts say...:
fab pics and GIRL that would irritate me too ..how you going to mark that baby down on a QUIZ .. WOW .. maybe she was just testing something .. dont get me to lying ..
girl I told yall I keep it real on my blog .. that cleanse is no jokes .. pretty shyty some days LOL
Soooo wish there were more male teachers in the world! But teaching unfortunately is seen as a nurturing field, all touchy feely (though it's not) and so does not draw any men. I over six semesters of teaching in the university teacher prep program and over 150 students, 2 have been male. sigh.
that freakin mcdonald still gives me the creeps!!!
and why do all my word verifications so long...do you have some extra security on my or something :P
oops...why ARE all my...
please tell me mich doesn't wear his socks like that to a game
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