
my hugest, most gi-normous apologies...

it has come to my attention that i may have mailed some etsy orders with postage due.

i normally use the automated postage machine when i ship out my stuff and, well, i'm an idiot. i mistakenly classified my bubble envelope mailers as bubble envelope mailers rather than boxes. (yes, i typed that correctly.) hmmm. i thought they were bubble envelope mailers. anyway, i went to the window this morning and the lady rang up the postage and it was about 30 cents more than the machine normally tells me. i asked her what the deal was and she told me that those mailers were considered boxes. ok. so no more automated postage machine for me.

now, if you have ordered from me and received your items with postage due....PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE email me at polkadothouse[at]live[dot]com and let me know so i can make it right!!! i will send out some more goodies at no charge similar to what you ordered from me in the first place.

I am very sorry for this huge mistake and stupidity on my part and i hope to make it right!

post signature

6 paper addicts say...:

Greta Adams said...

oh girl!! the P.O. is a joke!! i swear...bubble envelope is a bubble envelope!!


Unknown said...

now that is AWESOME customer service!
The new PO crap is total crap, I have to go to the PO all the time because I never understand the whole thing...totally frustrating!

Sweet Peripety said...

i am sure all will understand. it's soo easy just to make a mistake (even when it really isn't your faul!).

Denise said...

I agree, if it isn't square or rectangular, 3-D, hard-sided and made of cardboard, it's not a box. Your wonderful customer service will make up for the P.O. trying to make more money off of really confusing rules.

ricanlaw said...

You are being way to hard on yourself honey. I hope you don't get flack from your customers, but some understanding. It's an honest mistake that is not your fault.

Murphy's Law said...

ack! postage is one of those gov't gotchas. lol!!!! happens to us all.