
yay! i scrapped!

i filled in for aimee on the latest BASB challenge...Title Envy...super simple, so go check it out. you could win $15 from Studio Calico! the challenge runs until 9/15 and i'll pick a big weiner on 9/16.

here's what i did for the challenge (i used the August SC paper line):

i completed three others, so head on over there and check out the rest, as well as to see what the other gals did!

anywho, mich is back in school and seems to be enjoying it. but, i'm sure i've mentioned before that getting info out of mich is very, VERY difficult. oh well. we shall see!

grocery shopping this evening. i'm going to try to do this plan, at least a little bit. it's a HUGE commitment, but one that i'm willing to make. that is, if i lived by myself. i foresee great difficulties ahead as far as, "what is that? i'm not going to eat that!" or, "do we have to eat that again?" and the favorite, "there's nothing to eat." and i'm not about to make 20 different things everyday. i don't have the patience for that. 'eat it or starve' is my motto. and there's not going to be any packaged crap in the house (at least not any that i simply can't do without).

as for me, i'm not about to give up certain things just yet...like my diet sodas, or the occasional wingstop lunch, or the once every two months or so double doozie cookie from the great american cookie company (good thing i don't live close to the mall). i'm thinking though, that once i get used to this type of eating, i might no longer have the desire to stuff my face with fake crap. i think that will be the case--i ate wingstop with angie today and i'm not feeling all that great. so....oops, and my 'one-day-a-month-eat-nothing-but-a-bag-of-dark-chocolates' celebration. i love being female. not so much.

that's about it. glad to be back scrappin' and i think i'll do more later tonight after groceries. the boys have soccer practice and i don't work again 'til tomorrow night!

have a tank-top tuesday! ;)

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7 paper addicts say...:

vtpuggirl said...

Wow, that kit was just perfect for that photo! Love what you did with it!

*reyanna* said...

Good luck with the new eating plan! YOU CAN DO IT! I've been making these SUPER awesome tacos... holy cow, they're tasty! :D Corn tortillas, black beans, brown rice, minced onion (raw), jack cheese, salsa and sour cream. Okay, so maybe the sour cream can be left out, but these are SO good! :D

And awesome layout! Love the misting! :)

Denise said...

I haven't checked the link for Eat Clean yet, but I will. The more I read about you doing it the more intrigued I get. Damn you! OK...not really and I apologize. Truly. It's just that I love my ice cream and the thought of anything coming between me and IC makes me crazy. OK...let's get serious. You can definitely do it. Just make leeway for things you love - in small doses. Then it won't feel like a punishment. Get what I am saying? I agree....it's everybody in the family or nobody. That will make it do-able. Dang...I am rambling.

Let's talk BA. Your layout is awesome! I love the title. I love the color. I love the photo. I made my layout and will post at BASB momentarily.

Peace and love and tank top love to all!

aimee said...

denise...you make me laugh :)

Anilú Magloire said...

If you ever succeed in giving up diet soda, please tell me how! I am seriously addicted to decaf diet coke.

LOVED those pages and all the misting has me craving my mists...

GretaB said...

You are way better than me. I like junk food too much to even consider eating clean. I'm a wimp.

Good luck though and major kudos!

Lauren said...

Loving the technique work here...