
my little puppy...

how sweet. michael still humors me, even though i know he says he doesn't like it (and even though i know he really does)...

today was super errand day. went to my friend's house to bring her a chicken e soda (with her gimp arm and all), went to another friend's house to pick up some stuff i had left there, got gas and quit half way through filling up (i just couldn't handle it). then, hit wally world for basics and stuff to make mike a red cake for father's day.

just realized now that i forgot to go to walgreen's for some pics. stopped at the library to let mich pick up a few books and chased owen around every inch of that place. why is he so different than michael? i am so spoiled by mich that i haven't a clue what to do with owen. seriously, michael never left my side out in public and still does not to this day. he even hangs on one of the metal rungs of the cart while we shop. and all owen does is try to escape!

phew! i am working on another blog for miss greta. she rocks. her birthday is in a few days and i just sent her some goodies off in the mail. and i totally didn't take a pic of the card i made for her. i know they won't get there on time, but i hope that you still like them! it's not much but they have you written all over them ;)

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4 paper addicts say...:

vtpuggirl said...

I love that dog towel! I have half-a-tank-ophobia too about the gas. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute puppy dog you got there. My last initial, btw, is N. ;)

Dawn said...

They always say each kid is different. Variety is the spice of life...right? I only have one and that is definately enough spice for me-LOL!! :-)

Tonya said...

awwww, he is so cute in the dog towel.