
still here...

so, the house we wanted has trees with oak wilt. no dice. we backed out. the trees are just too large for us to want to deal with (and afford) for our first home. the seller offered to remove the one that is completely lost and treat the other. but the 'other' one is the largest and closest to the house and there's no guarantee any treatment will work. we just don't want to have that to worry about everytime we look at the tree. so, we hated to do it and it made me sick to my stomach, but we said no deal.

there are several others we are going to look at. hopefully one of them is the right one. how come when you have the money to buy something, you can never find anything to buy? (not that we really have the money...by no stretch is it actually our money).

michael is very sad. he had a rough time last night and i could tell he was hurting still when he went to school this morning. his little friend, david, who lives in our building moved to oklahoma to live with his mother. michael is just heart-broken and i feel so awful for him. poor little guy. any advice? he says that nobody else will want to come over to play with him and he'll never have any more friends. i don't know what to say to him. it breaks my heart to see the little buy hurt so. david had his moments with me, but overall he was a good kid and michael loved him to pieces. they were so silly together. i feel rotten.

i'm working on something 'altered' that i picked up at wal-mart forever ago. hope to have it completed soon. it's very sping-like.


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1 paper addicts say...:

TanishaRenee said...

So sorry about the house- there's one out there for you!

Your poor little guy- it's so hard losing a friend but just remind him how great he is and that in due time he will make other friends!