
happy valentine's day...two days late

but i guess it's ok to still post this. all the snow is gone and mich will head back to school tomorrow. my snow people are nothing but a few lumps and shed clothing.

i made these goodies for mich to take to school with him and i'm putting them in his valentine's day box that i made as well. but, on the advice of dad, mich has to make his own v-day goodie box. so we did that last night. i didn't follow instructions (and they're so going to know he didn't make the box). so...for now here's what we got:

Sassafras lines...a mix of several...i love how you can do that with sass--mix several lines together. they all kinda go, ya know? a little Jenni Bowlin, OA and some Making Memories. not sure what the dot paper is:

a monogrammed freaky secret notebook:
and a cool little bookmark:and here's the little baggies i made up:
and here's the big fat mess i made:

later peeps!
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