

both chocolate and paper!

michael had a friend over tonight. they are just now getting into bed. goofballs. they were good though. mike had subbuteo tonight (warning...that link is super man-silly/weird), so i took them to cici's for dinner, then to get a movie at the movie store (which we haven't done in forever b/c of netflix), then to get a cone at mcdonald's. got back around 8pm. they played, owen went to sleep, and i got on the 'puter to finish up some web work and then to make some goodies for etsy. i got all my sizes figured out to a T...finally...no more messing up and wasting paper! woooo hooo! now i just have to come up with some designs. i have several major themes and made up one different type of tag for each theme. here are a few samples:i'm hoping to have at least one theme up for sale by the end of the day tomorrow. i'm thinking the vacay one...am liking those yellows and oranges today for some reason.

and i have also found a new chocolate fix. i don't have the urge to chocolate-binge very often, but when i do...i need something strong. this one is perfect. i've found that 75% cacao stuff a bit sickening (b/c you should really only eat one piece--and that just doesn't happen). this is just the right amount. thank you lindor truffle people.i might have a video to follow shortly. if not, sometime in the morning. i don't know how much longer i can last. don't think i'll make it 'til mike gets home.

Creatively Yours,
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oooh, i like that :)

3 paper addicts say...:

Sweet Peripety said...

ooh cool tags. I hope to post that button later. i got into sorting out the OTHER buttons into bags according to color !LOL!

Sweet Peripety said...

ooh cool tags. I hope to post that button later. i got into sorting out the OTHER buttons into bags according to color !LOL!

elizabeth said...

truffles my absolute very favorite thing in the whole wide world!!!

love the tags :)